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      Agħżel pajjiż. Dan jaffettwa l-munita li fuqha tkun iċċarġjat, id-disponibilità tal-oġġetti, il-prezzijiet u l-għażliet tat-twassil

        Facial Power Massage

        Paġna Ewlenija /L-Apparati Kollha/ Facial Power Massage

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        Facial Power Massage

        Indulge in the ultimate anti-aging, contour-defining massage for your skin with the GESKE Sonic Facial Roller | 4 in 1. The Ultra Gentle Contouring & Firming Spheres along with 14,000 SmartSonic Pulsations per minute soothe and relax your skin, while also helping to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Apply the complimentary Hydrating Serum before you start, to infuse the hyaluronic acid and essential vitamins in its formula deep into your skin.


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        Reviżjonijiet tal-Klijenti

        Ħalli l-Ewwel Reviżjoni Tiegħek

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