MicroCurrent Face-Lift Pen | 6 in 1
Feeling the first signs of ageing around your nose and lips? Try our SmartAppGuided™ MicroCurrent Face-Lift Pen | 6 in 1 for its unique anti-ageing properties.
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Feeling the first signs of ageing around your nose and lips? Try our SmartAppGuided™ MicroCurrent Face-Lift Pen | 6 in 1 for its unique anti-ageing properties.
Incl. 21% VAT, shipping and handling
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MicroCurrent spheres that massage, tone & lift your skin
Unlock youthful radiance with anti-ageing, lifting massages.
Vegan & Cruelty-free
Sustainable & Eco-friendly
Our new SmartAppGuided™ MicroCurrent Face-Lift Pen is an ultra-compact microcurrent device that instantly smooths out fine lines around your eyes, mouth, and forehead. And the best part? You can use it on the go, wherever you are.
The SmartAppGuided™ MicroCurrent Face-Lift Pen is powered by our advanced MicroCurrent Face-Lift and SmartSonic Pulsation technologies.
This cutting-edge device stimulates over 65 muscles in your face & neck to improve facial contour, toning, and to control the appearance of fine lines. Through a 5-minute daily workout that provides both an Anti-Ageing Massage as well as a MicroCurrent Face-Lift, you’re on the fast lane towards tighter & brighter skin.
Our Ultra-Gentle Contouring and Firming Spheres perfectly mimic the way in which your own body triggers the skin healing processes, thus tightening your skin, for a revitalised, healthy-looking face.
Thanks to the Low Voltage Current, using the MicroCurrent Face-Lift Pen is completely safe.
Expert tip: use the pen around your lip line for fuller-looking lips in seconds!
The GESKE Hydrating MicroCurrent Gel is a must for using the MicroCurrent Face-Lift Technology. It perfectly primes your skin for the rejuvenating effects and also moisturises it.
Developed for
Li-Ion 3.7V
Zinc Alloy
Complete Your Bundle
Get the best results
The Hydrating MicroCurrent Gel is required for use with all our MicroCurrent devices.
Hydrating MicroCurrent Gel
€9.07 100 ml (€9.07 per 100 ml)
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